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Emerging Game Technology

When I was young, tips on emerging game technology only meant which team was I going to suggest pick me for their team. It’s not that I was that much bigger than the fifth graders, being that I was in the fourth grade, I liked to play and being that I could hit the ball the farthest in my class, I usually got to.

As for the benefits of technology, that only meant whether I could get Jimmy to let me use that new pocket baseball glove his dad had bought him for his birthday. Being that Jimmy was not any good at it and he didn’t like to play ball, usually I could talk him into it.

You see, I had a secret technique. All I had to do was promise not to let my cousin Cathy beat him up after school. He sure did not like getting whooped by a girl. The fact that she was pretty and he had a crush on her only made it hurt worse.

Today there is an entirely different meaning to advanced game technology! The things that are in development today are straight from the minds of men that have little understanding of the word can’t. These guys are simply amazing.

Well, let’s start with the Video game industries. There is a company experimenting with the use of electrodes and their placement on different areas of the face. The intention is to give the player the ability to direct parts of the game, using eye movement alone, to make the necessary moves in the game. The game is called Eye Mario and played on a NES video game.

There are even interactive games that more than one person plays. As a matter of fact, you do not have to be in the same country to play each other. You can even team up various players of different countries to play others looking to do likewise.

New game technology is going where no man before has gone, with the development of Wireless interface controls that all but join the player to the computer which allows realistic features, also promoting a full range of control motions. This method was developed for training purposes by the military, but it has been extended to the advanced world of the video game industries.

PlayStation® Move has a wide variety of games including sports, action, party, family, and shoot ’em up games, and the outcome of every move is still under the player’s full control. Some say that the games have an addictive fun quality to them.

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